宋 张择端 金明池争标图页

绢本 设色
纵28.5厘米 横28.6厘米
Competition on the Jinming Pool
Zhang Zeduan
Song dynasty(960-1279)
Album leaf,ink and colour on silk
Height 28.5cm, Width 28.6cm

This album leaf depicts the scene of a competition (a dragon boat race) on the Jinming pool in the Northern Song capital of Bianliang (modern day Kaifeng in Henan Province). The Jinming pool was one of the four gardens of the Northern Song. There are detailed accounts of dragon boat races in the Official History of the Song dynasty (song shi)and the Record of the Glorious Dream of the Eastern Capital(dongjing menghua lu). The correspondence between accounts in these texts and the depiction of the scene in this painting strengthens the evidential value of both. This rigorously orderly architectural painting(jie hua) uses meticulous brushwork. The minute ant-like figures are depicted in a remarkably animated fashion, each in different, clearly discernible attitudes. This album leaf is an important historical source for research on the customs and architecture of the period, with substantial historical value and artistic merit. It is inscribed “Presented by Zhang Zeduan”. This piece was previously owned by Ming dynasty collectors An Guo and Xiang Yuanbian.

While the dates of Zhang Zeduan’s birth and death are not clear, it is known that he lived in the late Northern Song dynasty. His style name was Zhang Dao, and he was a native of Dongwu(modern day Zhucheng city in Shandong Province). Zhang had developed an outstanding personal style for the depiction of boats, carts, bridges and walls in architectural painting. His exemplary work Along the River During the Qinming Festival is currently in the collection of the Beijing Palace Museum.
