战国 楚王酓(悍)鼎

通高53厘米 口径45.5厘米 腹围148厘米
Ding of King Yin han of Chu
Warring States period(475-221 BC)
Height overall 53 cm, Diameter of mouth 45.5 cm, Circumference of body 148 cm

This ding has handles attached to it, a straight-sided body, and hoof-shaped feet. Its lid features a ring and three contorted, bird-shaped knobs. There are 60 characters inscribed on the vessel, in places such as the inside of the lid, around the rim of the mouth and on the belly. They record that King Xionghan of Chuyou(r. 237-228 BC) had this ding cast in celebration of his victories from weapons taken as the spoils of war, and that it was used in sacrificial rituals. The assertive and sturdy modeling of this ding imbues it with an air of grandeur. It is a valuable example of excavated Chu wares. Famous as being foremost among Northern and Southern Chu wares. Numerous other Chu wares were excavated alongside it. Ten of these objects, including the Chu king’s ding, dous and fu(food vessel), yi(water vessel) and shaos (ladies) were first in the Chu Store of Tianjin Treasures of the Li clan, later entering the collection of the Tianjin Museum.
